
Each year, National Diabetes Week aims to increase community awareness about diabetes and its causes, as well as the services that are available to people living with diabetes.

"The local automotive industry is very important to Calwell, as is manufacturing in general" Ms Vamvakinou said.

"Despite some recent rain, many of Melbourne's water catchments are still at critically low levels" Ms Vamvakinou said.

Health care in Sunbury and future priorities

Release of the Report Working Towards a Healthier Hume: Municipal Public and Primary Health Plan and Strategic Plan 2007-2011 for Hume City


"Despite some recent rain, many of Melbourne's water catchments are still at critically low levels" Ms Vamvakinou said.

University HECS fees set to rise for Calwell students after the 2007 Budget

"Higher education changes introduced by the Howard government in the 2007 Budget, and passed by the Senate this week, will significantly increase HECS fees for students wishing to study Accounting, Administration, Economics and Commerce" Ms Vamvakinou said.

Data released by the Reserve Bank shows a new record high in the level of household income being spent on mortgage interest repayments.

Each year, 5 June is recognized as World Environment Day in over 100 countries across the globe, including Australia.