
My Speech in Parliament on Racial Vilification - 25 November 2019

As the member for Calwell, an electorate with one of the largest Muslim communities in Australia I have spoken many times about my culturally diverse multifaith electorate and I've spoken about the aspirations and tribulations of both the established and emerging migrant and refugee communities who live in my electorate.

They are the waves of migrant Australians who, in making Australia home, continue to add to our country's nation-building enterprise by bringing with them their unique cultures, their languages and faiths, their skills and experiences, and their investments and business acumen, ensuring always that Australia continues to remain a dynamic and vibrant contemporary multicultural society with a viable and strong economy. This is why this motion today is very important. Despite best efforts, there are still religious communities that face vilification, which is why this motion calls on the government to protect all Australians from incitement of hatred due to religious beliefs.
In Calwell, Islamophobia is a real and pressing issue. Our community, over the years, has endured its fair share of vilification. I have previously, in this parliament, talked about the abuses and verbal assaults and insults, and even attacks on individuals and buildings, that my constituents have endured.
We, however, continue to fight against the intransigent prejudice of those who view their Muslim neighbours as threats or incompatible to the Australian identity or the Australian way of life.