
1300 pensioners in Calwell face pension cut on New Year's Day

Maria Vamvakinou, Member for Calwell says around 1300 local pensioners face significant cuts to their pension from New Year’s Day because of cuts made by the Turnbull Government and the Greens.

Around 980 Calwell pensioners will see an average cut to their pension of $119 a fortnight. A further 320 local pensioners will lose their pension entirely, leaving them on average worse off by $182 a fortnight.

“Many of my constituents will be celebrating Christmas with their children and grandchildren and will be relying on their pensions to help them,” says Vamvakinou.

“Not only does this cut to pensions hurt, but the timing is just plain cruel.”

Labor voted against this cut to pensioners in the Parliament, this is because Labor believes in a fair go for pensioners and will continue to fight for it.

Pensioners who are concerned about how the Government’s changes to the pension assets test will affect them are urged to contact Centrelink Financial Information Services on 132 300.

13 December, 2016