
Tulla Toxic Dump issues raised in Parliament

Member for Calwell  Maria Vamvakinou last night drew the Parliament’s attention to residents concerns about the Tullamarine Landfill site. Ms Vamvakinou’s speech to the House of Representatives outlined the Terminate Tullamarine Toxic Dump Action Group’s survey results and the identification of five cancer ridden clusters within four kilometres of the landfill.





I have been following the toxic dump issue for a number of years. In fact, my community within the surrounds of the suburb of Tullamarine has rallied for the closure of this insidious site for over a decade. In the nine years that I have been the member I have come to

know personally many of the people involved in the TTTDAG,” Ms Vamvakinou said,


“This campaign has been a difficult and emotional journey for the people of Tullamarine and their friends and supporters. This is because too many promises and commitments were

made regarding final closure and decommissioning of this landfill, so much so that its continued presence in our neighbourhoods has left all who have fought so hard bewildered and rightfully angry.”


Ms Vamvakinou  said she wanted to go on record that she supports the residents’ demands  for the  Environment Protection Authority to provide peer reviews that purport to vindicate the EPA’s decision to cap the landfill; that the toxic oils be removed to the maximum extent achievable;  that a definitive independent health study be conducted and that air-quality monitoring be undertaken.   


Media contact: Marianthi Kypuros: 9309 3655