
Unemployment Rate Sky-rockets

The recent release of local unemployment statistics for the City of Hume by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations were not a surpise. The figures showed that the number of people living in Hume who found themselves unemployed was on the rise over the last twelve months.

"It is quite disappointing to see that as the economy falters, and with interest rates on the increase, more people in my electorate are finding themselves jobless." said Ms Vamvakinou.

"Its time the Howard Government stopped punishing unemployed people and started helping them. With Job Network struggling, the Government needs to start providing better services to asssist the unemployed."

"The Job Network has consistently failed to address the growing crisis in the very long-term unemployed. A staggering 126,650 Australians have been on Newstart Allowance for more than five years – a 68% increase since 1999."

“The system currently encourages Job Network providers to fast track easy to place job seekers, while job seekers who require more intensive assistance are often side lined."

"Job Network's aim should be to move people from welfare to work as quickly as possible, but the Government’s approach of cost-cutting and coercion is not the way to go."

"I was shocked and saddened to hear that sixty workers at Automotive Textiles Pty Ltd lost their jobs last week as the company was placed into administation. Its yet another example of the Howard government's botched handling of the Australian economy."