
New Station at Coolaroo

The Victorian State Government's announcement today that it will build a station at Coolaroo

"I welcome the state government's announcement today that it will build a new railway station at Coolaroo should it be elected for a third term in government" Ms Vamvakinou said.

"This is a positive development both for the residents of Coolaroo and for those who live in the surrounding area."

"I also congratulate the Broadmeadows Progress Association and the Hume City Council who have continued to be vocal in their calls for a station to be built in Coolaroo."

"When you speak to local residents here, the need to improve and further extend Calwell's existing public transport system is often listed as one of their key concerns, especially in a region that is growing as fast as ours is. Significant improvements like this to Calwell's public transport system are always welcome."

"For some residents, public transport is their only way of getting around. For those who use a car, I hope this will encourage them to use public transport more frequently."

Media Contact: Alex Kouttab 0417 541 465