
Student debt in Calwell hits all time high

According to recently released Senate Estimates figures, students living in the electorate of Calwell owe a staggering $58,485,444.25 in HECS debt.

"This figure highlights the extent to which Australian students are being made to foot the bill for an education system that continues to face chronic under funding under the Howard government" Ms Vamvakinou said.

22 January 2007


"It is further evidence of the Howard Government’s complacency and neglect when it comes to our children's education."

“If Australia is to compete in the modern global economy, we need the best trained workforce in the world" Ms Vamvakinou said.

"Creating the best trained workforce in the world requires a commitment by government to invest heavily in Australia's education system in order to increase the education opportunities currently available to our children. This is the best way to invest in Australia's future, by providing our children with the very best education and training opportunities that we can" Ms Vamvakinou said.

"One of our highest priorities as a country must be to increase the number of government-funded university places currently available to year 12 students, and to lower student HECS fees."

"Making university more affordable means making it more accessible to young Australian's, and also encouraging more of our secondary students to undertake tertiary studies. The aim is not only to level out the playing field when it comes to higher education, but to also boost the ranks of Australia's skilled workforce over the coming decades."

In a 'Higher Education Report' released this week by the Department of Education (federal), it was also revealed that the overall debt burden for Australian students has now reached $13 billion in 2005-06.

“This figure of $13 billion comes at the same time that 20,000 Victorian students missed out on a main round university place.”

“Over the last ten years the Howard Government has reduced its investment in higher education by 7%. Meanwhile, the rest of the developed world has increased its investment by an average of almost 50%” Ms Vamvakinou said.

“This is a statistic of national shame – we are falling behind too many other countries.”

“You cannot be serious about locking in Australia’s long term economic prosperity if you are not prepared to make the required investments in education this country needs.”

“We need a change of approach and a shake up of Australia's national priorities. Federal Labor is absolutely committed to building the most highly skilled workforce in the world.”

“Australia needs a Government which understands that education is the most important thing you can give to a young Australian to enable them to maximise their potential and get ahead. We cannot rely on the resources boom forever. For our nation, investing in education, skills and training is the most important thing that we can do to ensure our nation’s future prosperity.”

Contact Alex Kouttab 0417 541 465