
Maria Vamvakinou MP

Your Federal Member for Calwell



On Sunday the 25th of July, 2004, Maria Vamvakinou MP, the Federal Member for Calwell hosted an afternoon tea function at the Goona Warra Vineyards, to welcome the Sunbury community to the Federal Electorate of Calwell, following the electoral boundary redistribution. Image

“It is a great pleasure and privilege to be able to welcome this beautiful and historic region and its community into my electorate, which itself has a rich history and character.”

“With its sweeping views of the vineyards and hills, and magnificent 140 year old bluestone buildings, the Goona Warra Vineyards is a perfect location to pay tribute to the Sunbury region’s history and success as a grape-growing region, and celebrate its unique character.” Maria Vamvakinou said.

The afternoon tea was compared by Darren Grinrod, also known as Dr Rock from 3NRG. Mary Elizabeth Calwell, the daughter of the Hon. Arthur Calwell, former Labor leader and Federal Immigration Minister, after whom the electorate is named, was the guest of honour and she presented a short speech on the life and personal connections between her father and the electorate.

“I look forward to building a close relationship with the people of Sunbury, and working with them to address their concerns and help them achieve their aspirations. I will always be available to listen to Sunbury residents and provide assistance where I can.”